Dream Interpret | Dream Interpretation
Dream Dictionary - A to Z

Dreams starting with the letter G

Granddaughter loses tip of finger

Giving me a star apple

Gravel being poured over my head

Glitter all over body

Gas lamp in dream

Goldfish in tank swimming in chicken soup

Grandmother car accident

Getting a period after being menapausal for years

Golden cloak meaning

Guide for souls

Going down an escalator

Gasoline on bus

Gravel floors in a house

Gold ring with blue stone

Girl working at pick pay groceries ask me to help folding blankets

Gold rocks found

Golden fish from tank in bowl

Gold apple

Getting bit by fleas

Gream of guru rinpoche smiling n talking with me

Getting fish from dirty water

Getting fish from water

Godzilla movie

Going to hajj with husband

Girlfriend feeding me

Gold st

Getting shot by a jew

Green citrus tree become

Gold n

Gold in

Giving someone a book

Giving birth to girl

Given a silver horse tooth

Golden g in the sky

Guy not shooting

Giving my dead dad green chillies and r100 in my dream

Giving my dead dad green chillies and r100

Guyabano fruits

Girlfriend hurt kittens eyes

Girlfriend hurt kitten eyes

Giving cooking oil

Good offering

Give water to drink

Green and gold f up length dress

Giving a car to me in my dream

Giving a key to my son

Girlfriend cuddling another man

Grab neck


Groin and bleeding

Grinding clockwork gears

Going loo

Green duck in flower field

Giving roasted meat to dead grand father

Giving three thousand toman in the dream who needs it in that dream what is the meaning

Giving three thousand to a dead woman in the dream who needs it in that dream what is the meaning

Got and powers

Got a phone number from my dead uncle

Girlfriend is a stranger

Girlfriend cheating on me with my cousin

Giving cook meat to dead person

Going back to high school

Go outside car

Given an envelope

Getting engaged with princess diana with me

Getting engaged with princess diana

Getting separated from group


Giving dead person yogurt

Ground break in freams

Goldfish frozen in a bowl of water

Green plant in a pot

Gaboon viper

Gave birth to twins and lesbian marriage

Gun being pointless at me

Girl farting on boyfriend face

Girl showing buttock

Giving a dead man tea

Getting jealous of guys flirting with my wife

Gum stuck in hair

Genital bite

Giving roasted yam in the dream

Getting cross gold

God, sky

Getting rid of carpet roll ends

Green snake falling on my lap

Gun pointed but not shot

Green maize in a field

Green imp

Going to buy cooked arrowroots, and eating them

Giving cutlass in the dream

Girlfreind cheating

Giving white hair from dead person

Gearing gun shot

Giving my enemy money in a dream

Ganesh statue getting dissolved in running water

Giving mangal sutra to my husband

Girlfriend talking to mom on the phone

Giving someone $five zero.zero zero as a gift

Girlfriend dying

Girlfriend missing

Given spoilt shoe

Giving shirt to someone

Giving a leprachaun silver coin

Going to the bathroom sitting on a toilet

Godzilla apocalypse

Godzilla tearing through town

Godzilla and beats

Glass boc

Gap in teeth

Giant needle

Giant grain of sand

Give child away

Going thru my bfs phone

Griffin in flight


Giant pink habiacus flowers

Golden giant warrior

Girl on a sofa

Giving someone my contact

Growing long hair

Growth on hand

Guy with long hair

Girlfriend waxing me

Girl lying to me

Green hat dream

Going picnic with dead mother

Green hat fertilization

Getting slapped in a worship place by a woman

Going down in ladder

Giving food to an evangelist

Got a job without qualification or experience

Golden lotus and golden buddha

Grandma falling

Grandma asking betel leaf

Grave in dream

Giving my dead brother cake in my dream

Growing a willy

Green heqrt

Getting failed in exam

Green river water wuth sunlight

Gold ring broken

Group of grey haied woman that were fit and beautiful

Grandchild nearly drowning

Green teeth

Giving out tickets

Given iziwasho in the dream by an old woman

Gun shot to the head of son

Gap teeth

Giving someone the heimlich

Giving someone the himlick

Ground leveling

Going to umrah with family

Girl shushing

Giving ripe apples to my dead parent

Ginseng field collection

Green pantie

Grand baby walking in dream

Go back in time

Green snake with red diamonds on the body and a diamond shaped head

Getting knowdest by your idol

Given food by a prophet to eat dream

Gruesome murders of me and others

Green curtaın

Given money with holes on it

Giving to some one

Given udara fruit in dream

Getting braided by a lover

Gentle brushing exfoliation of the face

Grapes growing on legs

Giving a dead man fruit

Golden crozier

Golden septor

Given glass of water

Give and paraffin

Getting hug and hold by a mad man in a dream

Green theater curtains

Guineapig bite

Gild wrist watch gift

Green dates

Girlfriend dressed as dorothy

Giving white snow to dead father

Graces and maggots

Giving a ride

Gold jewellery in dream

Given a wallet with money

God fowing in water

Goddess in my dream

Glowing humam and figure seen in a dream

Grey bead

Gold grill

Got stabbed in my thigh in my dream

Gray unicorn

Ghost wife

Giant bone

Golden pearl

Givings out irish potatoes

Guy protecting me and his baby

Grandparent visit in dream


Gym girl


Getting stuck in a car during a storm

Good airing


Goat and children in the house

Glitter boots

Giving quran to someone in dream

God venkateswara

Green snake biting u

Golden peral

Gloden peral

Guide dog

Green snake bites my toe nails

Green snake bites me but i get injection with antivenom

Going through the woods in your dream

Gun pointed at your pussy

Giving birth through the naval

Giving birth through belly botton

Garden eggs means what in dreams

Girl urinating on my body


Gold jewelrey

Green tropical field

Goddess mansha in dream

Giving a thestie elephant water to drink

Good fit

Guru ji and a cage

Guru ji

Giving a bra to someone means


Green moong dal sprouts

Good spirits

Goat on the other side of muddy water

Green chillies bushes

Gems coming out of right

Gems in

Getting heaps of sea water in your mouth

Girlfriend turned into a man in my dream

Giving someone white fish

Girlfriend asking for money in a dream

Ground moles

Gift wrapping a gift for someone else

Gift wrapping a present for someone else

Gung-ho c

Golden hourse

God comino back

Gal between the teeth

Gold ice

Getting married to my late brother means

Golden winged wolf

Gold dust in air

Grandfather gives blessings

Give money to my dead teacher inside classroom but no one else does

Guys fighting over you

Girlfriends grandma

Grandmother singing to me

Gynecologic exam

Gauging ones eyes out with a stick

Going up stairs in high rise building

Growth on abkle

Greet mother in law

Green clothes and

Girl admiring me

Gray smoke out of house

Grind and cooked beans

Green clothes meainh

Gel on a dry nose

Going around with a dead person

Giving a baby water

Grass growing on the altar beside the pulpit

Got the wound in hand

Giving you rice at your dream

Green wide leaves in dreams

Grey color saree

Got shot in legs

Got shot in the legs

Given old clothes in a dream

Getting ready for soccer

Going up a mountain

Getting a shot from a doctor

Getting a shot

Groom death

Getting low mark

Got low mark

Getting detained by authorities

Getting detained and put on a shock collar at an event

Getting a mri scan

Girlfriend planting tulips in my dream

Getting gift black clothes from someone

Getting a pedicure with muddy water

Garage fire sentimental items

Group of goats

Giving pooped clothe to a dead person

Giant pearl head

Giving birth to baby deer

God and fish

God fish


Goats and kraal

Giving tree

Gas filling

Giving the dead his clothes back that he/she once gave to you

Gas truck

Getting a check

Girl fart on face

Ganny urinating

Giving food to a mad person means what

Glass in face

Greeting someone who hates you

Giving blowjob to your partner

Get caug

Giving gods photo

Gift from death grandpa

Goose foot prints

Giving candy to ex boyfriend

Girl women

Gift from a dead president

Getting blessing from little kid

Getting blessing from kid

Ghosts looking friendly

Gate being broken

Going to school with out shoes

Gallon of water fell and broke

Gifted expensive wine

Gifted wine

Got hit by that taxi from behind in the pavement

Guru rimpoche

Girls bringing gifts

Gipsy couple

Getting a photo taken with your dead husband

Girlfriend face melting

Giving bread to a dead person

Girls show off vulva

Granddaughters being rape

Girls and boys build a bridge

Grandson dies

Gnats wash hands sink public bathroom

Grade one two

Giant cockroaches

Green, hunter

Goat screaming

Getting a belly piercing

Getting bit by a coyote cub

Going to work

Glove covered with blood

Gipsy woman teasing your palm

Giving my late uncle boiled eggs

Giving out palm oil in a dream

Girl hold your hand in numbers

Generator parts

Girl calling me

Ga kenkey was giving to me as a gift


Grave calling

Gun chase

Getting thrown in a swimming pool

Giving clothes to a mad man

Golden stupa

Getting different snacks

God speak you to you

Giving late my mother money to buy medicine in the dream means

Grey mouse in socks

Getting fish hook stuck in hand

God indiran in dream

Gift lighter

Getting grommed

Grow healthy

Gray t-shirt on a man

Giving abusive mother money

Gold ring of middle finger

Glatze rasiert

Girl but unknown

Going down a helter-skelter

Given a warning letter in a dream

Gold hanger

Glowing pupil

Gathering with friend ī

Grassy fungus spreding on my finger

Giving money to a sick mother in the dream

Going in an aeroplane

Going down a slide

Going down a small hot hallway

Green nails


Gebed lezen

Green kaaba cloth

General of army in dream

Getting bitten by a snake and the venom removed

Garri and sugar

Giving me potash means

Growing flowers in a bedroom

Giant butterflies in sky

Grey gown

Guard of honor

Girl vaping

Goat sheep and cow

Going to use the bathroom and then someone hangs me upside down and say something and the person scar and the person scary

Giving birth to five baby boy

Golden pathway

Golden path

Given an ornanment

Guinea feathers in a dream

Green boxer

Getting a horizontal cut on my left arm

Green chalk

Girlfriend abroad

Given a basket of bread in a dream

Given a plate of food in a dream

Gel pours on your hair

Gray. horse

Gin pointed at me

Grey hair falling off

Giving a gift of cloth to someone getting married

Going up in an elevator

Getting thrown candy at me by strangers

Gifted bag of rice

Gold melting to water

Given a red sports car

Goat swallow a goat

Gold staf is melting

Gold is melting

Green lantern fruit dream meaning

Giving my boyfriend a blowjob

Gagging on paper

Gold anklets gift

Giving bangles to another girl

Guiding someone to will go for madina

Green apple on the tree

Growth of hair in the neck

Gold star in dream

Gold ring red stone

Giving bath to dead person

Girl giving me lollipop

Getting chased by people wearing black with weapons

Getting baby clothes from my ex

Getting chased by a group pf people wearing black and some wearing gold

Gaining teeth

Gift, hand watch

Gold necklace 18k

Green plaid dress

Grass in the right hand between fingers

Goddess yellamma

Got chased by a pig

Gold lost

Ghost seeing me

Gribs fruit

God dreams


Grandmother laughing at me

Giving a mad woman carry a child in the dream foodstuffs what does it mean

Greencocnut dream num

Golden hair dream

Getting fired from job

Given a key in my dream

Gold nacklase

Gril kiss you

Girls gone wild

Green cheek conure parrot

Giving quran dream

Giving someone quran

Glowing braclet

Grandma and grandson walking near the water going fishing

Gray underpants

Green fruit with white inside

Glass in body

Giving banana

Giving food to rat


Giving spiritual mother a bag in the dream.

Given folded money

Grandma twins

Green thread on sewing needle

Glass balcony

Greeting king

Giving birth of dual organs

Garment train

Ground disappears

Getting out of pool

Grandkids spitting on me

Gost tide with ropes mean

Gymnastics trapece

Green snake inside the cooking pot with monggo

Girlfriend was riding a motorcycle

Gold coins shaped fish

Giving a chair to a prominent person in church

Get profit from selling

Garland aound foto frame

Green citrus eating in a dream

Garlic and onion dream

Garlic and onion in dream

Grandparents house with green mold on carpet

Green mold on carpet

Garri, giving


Giving a friend dry coconuts

Girl with baby in bed

Girl baby and man in bed

Going off the bridge in a bus or car

Green maize cop

Getting married to a rich man

Going on vacation to a disaster

Glass bes

Getting government job


Getting candy in a parade

Growing onions


Gatherings of people in past places

Guecko bones feet

Girls play with me

Granddaughter voice

Giving sweets

Green airplane

Given chewing stick

Giving a lot of bread to sister in law

Giving a lot of foods

Giving of food to others

Giving a lot of foods to sister in law

Gifted a guitar

Girl friend signature

Girl friend signing

Grandma runs away from me

Grandma called me a different name

Green slime on my sheets

Glowing crocodile

Grandmother that died

Glowing lizard

Gathering akunwammiri in the dream means what

Giving someone a quail bird in the dream

Golden women staue moving

Golden women laying in supin position


Golden freddy dream

Group of girls

Giving egusi

Girl crying outside

Girl crying

Gilt coming up out kitchen sink drain

Group of people throwing belongings in pond and riding roller coasters

Girl giving her number

Giving charcoal to someone in a dream means

Giving charcoal to someone in a dream

Giving a dead uncle mango in the dream

Giving sick people food

Giving money in a dream

Guest over for eid dinner

Geese chasing you

Goose bumps

Geese attacking you

Giving sugarcane and showing affection meaning

Grandfather angry. mother

Green color menstruation

Getting a foot massage

Gun shot at back while running

Getting shot by lover

Giant insects coming out of my nose in snot

Gooseberry candy

Giving five zero zero note in shope

Getting a phone

Guitar broken

Giving tomoto in dream what it mean

Ghost killed a woman

Gifting puppy

Grande home

Given clothes to the death in dream meaning

Give clothes to the death in dream


Glamorous woman in fancy dress

Giving birth to a bald baby

Girl, kid, computer

Getting into cold water which is above ankle

Giving to my deceased freind

Gloved hand you

Gold watches

Grandma with white eyes

Grey hoodie meaning

Grey hoodie

Grandmother bites grand daughter

Giving water samone dream

Green and yellow parrot

Ganglion cyst

Getting injected by mom

Girl turning her head one eight zero degrees

Green yellow snake spitting in right eye

Goat heads burping

Gift of framed art

Getting ready for a race


Gold ring , red stone

Growth on back and chest

Giving okra

Giving okra to others in dream

Goddess status

Great grand parents

Greek dictionary

Garden huge vegetables

Going to an uknown house

Going through an open gate


Goddess and prophetic dreams.

Green mountains in india

Given wooden spoon

Gecko staring at me

Gecko in my tea staring at me

Gecko in my staring at me

Gum arabic tree leaves

Give the money in the book

Giving money in an envelope in a dream

Green leaves sanary

Going to buy bayleaf

Got frame and arrested

Giant sequoia

Give an old woman food in a dream

Gun shot seized by me

Gecko jumping on face

Giving you bitter kola in the dream

Giving white stone

Gold gift from your boss

Ghadi me one one:zero zero bje dekhna

Gecko dream

Green passion fruit

Giving a matchbox in a drean

Gave water to drink by a mad man in my dream

Ground nut cake

Ghost attack in dream

God the father

Grandparents fed hijras

Girl removing pants

Guessing number correct on die

Gayden in a dream

Given a dream

Getting heavy bags and a baby in a dream

Going into business with a friend

Gold coin and a feather

Green jello monster

Giving olives to a friend

Glowing white man on water washing face

Getting hands washed

Globe let go

Gathering your present

Given red soil

Girlfriend baby boy

Green discharge from ear

Ghost of a little girl hug me

Golden knife dream

Getting a doll out the dumpster

Getting bullied by senior students in dream

Grandparents are fighting

Girl asks boy to marry her

Giving out an umbrella

Girlfriend was kidnapped

Giving a madwoman mango in a dream nd she started giving you handshake what does it mean

Get cheat in a

Giving someone an umbrella

Goat horm in a dresm

Getting help to start my car

Getting help to start my broken car

Gold in numbers

Grandfather waving at you

Girlfriend mad at me

Giving money to a prophet of god in dream meaning

Girl white skin dream meaning

Getting a deep cut on the leg

Getting trapped

Girl scared of me

Gastric tube

Going out to work on a dried land but later found crabs under the dried land in water

Giving a gold crucifix

Group of children sharing a bedroom

Gift of cooking pot

Green light bulb

Guinea fowls laying lots of eggs

Grayscale in my dream but my deceased mom was in bright colors

Girlfriend cheating with her friends boyfriend

Grapes and honey

Getting sweet bread

Getting raped by someone who abused you

Gold ring and silver ring on a finger

Getting slippers from she male

Green kumkum

Giving birth in dream

Give cocoyam

God photo frame broken

Giving my mother red pepper in the dream

Ghusl recommendation

Giving away something special to you

Going in a bus with full of passengers

Giving veal parmigiana

Glass shoes islam

Glass shoes islam dream

Gkass shows dream islam

Growling wolf yellow eyes

Giving me stockings

Going to a debut for self

Giving rice grains to others

Grave of a person who is still alive sinking

Green horse

Giving gold coins

Giving away fruits

Giving cowries in my dream by someone

Giving my roti to someone else

Go toward dark entity

Green and black rooster

Goth cat wedding

Grandmother giving me cooked groundnuts in a dream

Giving baby boy money

Getting a new baby brother

Getting a needle in arm

Getting banned from japanese anime store

Garbhvati mahila ko balatakar krne ki kosis ka spne

Gloss cutting hand and blood

Girlfriend stabbing dog in neck

Girl wearing eyeglasses dream

Girl with eyeglasses

Green poop

Green vegetable lucky numbers

Giving back shoes

Girl nostrils

Girl four nostrils

Giving you a ram in a dream


Gold fairy dust sprinkled on you

Given a letter

Girl telling you i love you

Golden platter

Giving three eggs to someone in the dream

Going after lost property in a foreign land

Goin from room to room looking for something

Giving monggo beas for others

Getting ed

Green field dream meaning

Glittery rainbow eye

Gifted one zero thousands

Goat head soup

Getting married and having a kid

Green grass water

Going into a house

Giving injections in the bum

Grren water lake with many peacock feathures

Gray face

Giant cuckoo

God voice in church i was sleeping calling my name

Getting inside the moon

Garhering religious

Golden tongue

Giving a riped fruit to my daughter

Given someone bush animal head in the dream

Ghost giving money

Giving birth then dying after

Going to a gay sangoma for help

Going to a gay sangoma for jelp

Going to a gay sangoma for insaltation

Going to a gay sangoma for installation

Getting a tattoo from my father

Girlfriend was my

Girlfriend step and


Gold chain snatching

Gangsters heading towards looking serious but when they arrive they chilled

Gold from transgender

Gift of a dress

Glass in my drink

Grandma corpse

Guava tree cut dawn in the dream meaning

Going near the roze rasool but at diffent place

Girlfriend-boyfriend cheating

Giving a dog

Getting striked by a lightening

Give a tampon

Giving a sanitary pad to another co worker

Getting married with two people in white saree

God subramanya swamy appeared in dreams

Ghost and face

Gold automobile

Gold sculpture

Guarding someone from a hell hound

Genital covered

Giving pickles

Glowing person in the dark

Going to a marriage

Golden mermaid

Getting leg surgery

God idols around filth

Green emerald glass bottle

Golden cup from the sea

Giving gold to dead person

Geese walking on a cross walk

Geese walking

Gray scarves

Gang members riding motorcycle

Ginger street

Glass being thrown at me

Getting in a boat

Green landscapes

Gas truck crash and sinking

Gives help

Giving blood tonic to your sister

Getting a phone call from dead friend saying he misses me

Giving my deceased mother a bath showering her

Green mango plants

Given and eating onions in the dream

Getting beheaded without no blood

Getting beheaded by sword and getting hit on private part

Girls funeral

Garden pests

Gf getting into a car an leaving

Grease s ed in kitchen floor

Grand children receiving heritage from grandfather

Giving isiwasho esi

Green vegetable gifts in a dream

Going for umra

Giving you isiwasho

Girlfriend friend

Giving birth to mice

Guava on the tree in the dream what does mean

Getting few snakes out of something

Given a box by someone

Giving offering in church

Ghost go inside bedroom

Going to class barefoot,sick and going to toilet,going cross road

Getting groomed

Growing green sugarcane

Giving blouse piece to lady

Giving my number to a girl

Going to cook gold and white fish

Go to church and hearing worship songs

Gods lamp getting off

Giving a mad woman food

Giving a mad woman food and speaking with her

Granddaughters ex

Ghost of little child walking

Gun shot at leg

Girlfriend wants alcohol

Girl needs alcohol

Grandfather giving me one five zero rupees

Giving money to smallboy

Gradfather giving me one five zero repees and i was not accepting he said keep it and then i kept it then suddenly i saw a big dog and a small one i waved at him suddenly it was my birthday and i was happy and celebrsting alone

Gold castle in the clouds

Gold castle

Granadilla tree

Goat skull tied to a tree branch

Guns bleeding

Giving birth to a featas

Gay men kissing

Grass thatched church roof

Grandmother trying to kill me in dream

Getting killed by best friend

Giving a dead person advice

Giving all nuts to the group of people

Gargoyle altar

Green flames

Girl friend loosing weight

Grey cowboy hat


Getting in school suspension

Giving money to a grandfather dream meaning

Green maize vegitation in a field

Giant ancient bird

Getting cassava from the car

Getting a bag of charcoal from the car

Grandma peeing on my baby

Grandma peeing

Guy looks at me changing clothes

Guy tries to look at me changing

Gate pass

Getting shot in the neck and legs

Giant cat calmly walking

Gold and blue

Getting bit by a bear

Getting bit by a brown bear

Giving birth dead father

Grains falling out of a cupboard container

Glass and water

Giving birth to no child

Giving blow jobs

Going to the deep sea

Grandpa standing in doorway with back turned toward me


Gravel on tar

Getting in a taxi with your old boss and newly met blonde woman you wanted

Genitals being squeezed

Goddess alta feet

Geyser on front lawn

Giving your pots away

Going in a big ship in blue ship very fastly

Grain of rice with a plant

Goat giving birth to black goat

Goay giving birth to black baby

Green snake plants

Gift of blue owl pictures

Glass wine

Going to a restaurant and trying to get home via bus was impossible

Girl i love

Glowing tree in painting


Going through back door

Grease dirt after bath

Grandfather in dream

Going to see a doctor but he ignored to attend to me


Goatkraal number and meaning

Goalkeeper loosing game in fott

Goalkeeper loosing a ball

Given water

Given new saucepans

Goat sacrifice by people

Giving money to my dear grand mother

Gun bullet

God statue eye opened

Ghoul woman

Goats eating bread

Giving food to my dad

Got blessings from elders

Gutting fish in your dream

Giving water to a friend bag

Glowing right palm

Gate laying on grond

Grabbing large worms

Giving a child alcohol

Glistening water

Giant crayfish

Getting ripped

Given a big american in the dream

Girlfriend wear my clothes

Given for veggies

Getting a injection to become pregnant

Golden temple dream

Giving groundnut seed to someone

Gila monster hissing and chasing

Getting chased by my doppelganger

Growing an extra

Gliding on water standing up

Giving a crippled woman money at the road side

Giving birth to a teddy bear

Girl grinding into you / hotel lobby

Grandparents laying in a bed next to each other

Grey body

Giving of wine

Getting rid of spider eggs

Getting robbed of shoes

Got a dream like, i was in temple n people are killing, there was water, good people n bad people. goddess

Grass sinking in

Gold f

Gorrilla warfare

Gun gorilla warfarw

Guy picking me up in his arms

Getting a gift from the dead

Giving animals food

Getting bit by a coyote

Getting hunted by a coyote

Going to my crushes house

Grand daughter head smashed in with a dumbbell

Grand baby was hit in the head with a dumbbell

Give food to a person

Giving money to dead

Getting blood tested

Getting a vista

Giving beans to person

Getting a zero

Getting banned

Given a cheque by a celebrity in the dream

Going to a place through a drak road

Gone to the bank

Getting beck together after third divorce

Getting caught with weed

Giving birth to a fat baby girl but with white hands

Green chili

Girlfriend going missing in dream

Golden jowlary

Going with a, luggage bag

Gifting two pairs of baby shoes

Gold ants

Giving green leaves to a dead person

Giving a devil my soul

Green giant snake in water

Gooseberry in dream

Growing nipple

Getting nine zero%

Green bunch of bananas in dream

Grand parent

Giant carrots

Giveaway rotten jackfruit

Going to ajmer

Green plant growing on head

Getting released from jail

Gold and purple mean in a dream

Giving someone contact

Goat sacrifice for maa kali

Ground break

Getting a text that someone misses you

Gliding through water

Grey colour dogs

Gold price

Gold guide

Getting socks

Glow up

Gifting pie

Gigantic black snake on the roof of my house

Going for work for cement bricks with labourer