Dream Interpret | Dream Interpretation
Dream Dictionary - A to Z

Dreams starting with the letter C

Cherry juice

Cherries falling

Church seeing a little girl run around

Cigrette jalana

Capturing the thief

Cruise ship storm

Crying on dads grave

Cookout with friends

Cookout with coworker

Coughing big chunks of plem


Calotropis gigantea

Cleaning hear wax in the dream

Car that is on a descent

Child choking on a bottle lid

Croackoches in body


Cat massage

Cooking snail with soup in the dream

Cooked donkey meat

Cowries attached to ones hair

Colleague commits suicide

Cold water on head

Charnel house

Co workers playing darts

Catching mother bush fowl

Clay pot saving money

Cooking pumpkin leafs in dream

Considering to buy a new drinking glasses

Cutting nappier grass

Cutting off eyelashes

Cut plantain tree with unripe immatured fruits

Cactus fruit

Cunnilingus performed on me by an childhood male friend that i love.

Coughing up worms

Coughing up white worms

Cage with god

Cut by a sickle

Curved bird beak

Cherry cough drops

Crochet hooks

Carrying basket full

Car rolling away backwards

Child cleft lip

Clothes dream interpretation

Canceled travel

Cherries fruit

Crush being unavailable

Crazy homeless man

Climbing skyscraper

Car driving through you in your dreams

Catching monitor lizard in a dream

Carrying three loaves of bread

Carrying bread

Cashmere sweather

Clumsy playing basketball

Cooking chapati in a dream

Cutting plant

Cut wilted money tree branches

Cut off the sandals

Cooking frogs

Cow bring sick

Computer name

Cleared stream

Cut forest

Claw hammer

Cow fighting a snake and the snake dies

Climbing bookshelves

Climbing bookselves

Chipkali ko marna

Coughing teeth

City of gangstars

Carrying firewood in a dream means what

Clicking picture of mountain

Chair broke while sitting

Cutting out eyes

Changing baby dream

Car taht lost control

Crane killing

Cat running

Catching a bush buck

Clothes and meainh


Crow with flower in its mouth

Cutting cloth in a dream..

Cutting cloth in a dream.


Children calling your name

Colliques co

Cut in the neck and blood flowing

Cement hole

Cheating resulting in pregnancy

Cutting someone with knife


Complicated but comfortable house

Crocodile biting my elder sister on the foot

Cooler in a dream

Cheetah trying to attack but tiger attacks it

Catching fish in small water

Christian scissors and cutter




Cuts all over the body

Chased by a doll

Cutting someone hand

Cluttered house

Chestnut in islam dream

Cat trying to come through window

Cleaning mentration blood

Cure for cancer

Cooking for an ex boyfriend

Carol burnet

Cupboard banging

Cleaning floor


Costumes tic

Clothes getting wet in the rain

Carved mask

Cutting myself hair incorrectly

Certificate torn

Chasing me with a gun

Cuting dog head

Chug soda and crush the can


Christmas tree dead

Children chasing after you

Cellphone data

Cousin, female

Car accident killing spree

Cats clawing me

Childhood house missing windows

Car wrecked

Car speeding away

Car stallijg

Carrying baby all time in my dreams

Clay in dream

Cow defending me

Calling a friend on the phone

Car accident children

Child dream about kangaroos

Carring ucansi mat

Catching big fish in muddy waters

Carring ucansi

Choking and not able to breathe

Collecting money from floor

Cooking okpa in the dream

Car dream nbr

Cuts on face

Cobaroad dncing in my dreams

Cutting potatoes


Crusty and dried eyes interpretation dream

Catching cat fish in a tream meaning

Crashing mud fish dream interpretation

Covering gravel in a dream


Crush kiss my feet


Collecting money dream

Collecting toothpicks

Catching live bush fowel in a dream

Coin falling from hand

Crush foreheads

Chased by goose

Collecting clam shell and seeweed for foor

Construction dream

Circus dream

Chestnut horse dream

Cow drowning in water

Cheque bounce

Crops destruction by wind


Crush fingers

Cement block fall on head

Collecting gifts like tea bread and coconut in the dream

Crush talk

Cabinets and clothes

Climb a mountain

Chest of drawers, bottom drawer, the word death

Cut by knife

Cooking, fried, chicken meat

Cow:s head raw meat

Church doors swinging opened at funneral

Cow, deep and water seen in a dream.

Calf bitting

Cold breathe on the back of your neck

Chased by shadows

Caring for a very drunk mother

Confronting inappropriate behaviour of one person another

Canker sore on the inner lip

Construction workers

Chopped off males private part

Crying in honey

Coyote cub bites

Cooking oil intainer dream

Clay in a dream

Cions on founds

Car full of lilies

Crow turns into woman and marries the dreamer

Crow turns into woman abd marries the dresmer

Cook bone under my feet

Crow turns to woman and marries me


Cooky and raw meat together

Cooked meat and raw meat together;

Carry baby

Carrying on back mother

Carrying mother on back

Clown in your dream

Carrying boyfriend on the back

Car hit by lightning

Coffins in my house

Cat suckling on my finger

Climbing roof top of home what does dream number

Climbing roof top of home

Cups falling off a shelf onto son

Coin on the fire

Choked by mother

Clear oil

Car hood up

Corn seed sow

Chasing after mother

Crushing walnuts

Carrying a sleeping handsome baby boy

Carrying a sleeping baby who is handsome

Carrying a child on my shoulder

Carrying of a big cat fish with bowl on my head

Carrying of a big fish with bowl on my head

Corner of a wall

Cat littler and ow

Cutting my palm x using cutter

Cutting my palm x

Children and bear

Cannibalism and not liking human meat

Churning milk

Collapsable roof

Cleaning sand from ears

Cutting branches from lemon tree

Clocks and falling

Cows our abd loin chasing

Cloths floating in water

Car crushed

Could not find my dog and was outside on ground crying with someone laughing at me

Cloths and water

Clear dam

Cylinder gas


Closing the river

Chest tightening

Coughing in a dream

Carob pod

Cousin getting married

Chicken legs fried

Child in an oven

Carrying mat


Cocasion man

Cat with a broken jaw

Cleaning piano

Cruise ship flying upwards from the sea

Climbing a thin rope

Corn germination

Cutting of hands

Crisscross spots of white face of male

Coffee pot gift

Cooked cows feet

Cows feet in a dream

Crisscross spots of white face

Cow feet eating in dream

Chase and fall into soakaway in your dream

Cresent moon with lots of stars

Chequered dream meaning

Cannot get into the store

Carousel ride

Climbing a mountain but climb down as the track was blocked

Carrying someone on my back

Childhood friend kissing dream meaning


Chickens pecking me

Came a road flooded with a calm mud colored water

Came a road flooded with a calm brown colored water

Chanting hamnuman and demon

Catching a fish in mud

Cutting someones head of by me

Counting money bundles

Crone with me inside a chapel with large crowd and a closed door

Climbing down a hanging stairs with a boyfriend holding my hands

Cows chess you

Carrying dog on shoulder

Chinese clog shoes

Cutting down part of boy

Chickens pecking through bottom of bathtuub

Caught fish bait hook and line

Couple picture

Climbing something tall and getting stuck

Cat eating a baby

Chicken poxs

Cockroaches all over me

Creepy man holding my hand

Child getting lost in forest

Child getting lost and coming back in a forest

Car driving weirdly

Creepy old couple griping at me

Canceled plans

Clear flames

Cleaning a bathtub

Coiled black snake

Cut off birds foot

Car floating down a river

Church people wearing black

Cooking inside blair toilet

Coffee grain

Cash ocean

Calling allah for help

Crayfish selling in the dream

Can a package mean pregnancy

Curd wasted

Crossing clear river with crocodiles

Child with dirty fingernail

Current of water

Crying on fathrs tomb


Covering murder

Caring and eating a dead body though everyone is against it but i insisted

Caring and eating a dead body

Cats hanging out in the trees

Cats in trees

Closed jack card

Chewing a wet stick in a dream

Crocodile lay egg

Carrying note book from church means


Climbing coconut tree

Child attack by cheetah

Cow eating neem tree

Couching up a tumour

Cleaning alter of god

Chop down tree


Clean wineglass

Caught my boyfriend with another girl in bed.

Cooking spoon

Computer clock

Cleaning your tongue

Cousin walking flowers pop up

Cancer star sign

Crow attack me

Chicken lice on the clothes meaning

Chased by people wearing black and some gold

Curtain with octopus

Cremation ground

Cut shoe

Celebrity giving you a gift

Chosen to lead


Chubby white girl


Cuuting a cloth in dream

Cut by glass

Christian female dressed in hijab saying a dua muslim standing next to her

Cutting brick

Cabbage, dying, ressurecting

Cooking burnt food

Carlly hair ghost

Characters from social media

Cleaning makkah

C-section of baby girl

Calm lion

Car standing still

Church woman

Cracking an egg with a chick inside

Carrying a sachet water on your hand it fell off and disappeared

Camaflouge snake

Child huggin me

Chewing and spitting money in a dream

Cat litter box

Counting bananas in a dream

Chain broke

Cyberpunk hotel

Child genuis

Chicken being eaten by red ants

Cell phone elevator

Cooking zobo in my dreams


Custard apple inside blue in color

Custard changes inside colour

Change el kibla in a dream

Cheeta attacking

Carry a blue bucket filled with clear water

Cow face

Coral snake tangled in hair

Carrying my crush

Catching husband cheating

Carrying your deceived mother on your back

Crush wearing dress

Cat killed by dogs

Celebrity dream

Cat killed the bird in dream meaning

Control plant growth

Clambing a huge wall in the drem

Cor roxa significado espiritual

Cow in truck

Cow in small truck

Crochet work dream


Catching guinea fowl

Coin and soup

Co worker gets transplant

Cleaning gunk from bodily organs


Crushed can of soda

Carry dad on your back

Centipede in my ear

Conjoined fingers

Cockroaches in shoe

Clorine teeth

Cooking dolma for you in dream

Causing decapitation

Collecting old wrappers for my mum in dream

Cat poo

Chased by a ghost

Child tying rope around my legs

Covered faced maidens

Competition dance

Catching big fish using net in river

Clock indicated by a dead people

Chased by goat

Cupen cod


Catching very big fish

Cocking curry


Carry mother

Car rolling away from me

Cry of owl


Car trading

Cutting fish in to slices

Climbing jack fruit

Coaching para emprendedoras

Chills cold

Cold chills


Crystal turtles

Covered by green lanket

Catching candy in dream

Catching candy in a parade meaning

Cooking poo

Claw machine games

Cutting pig in dream

Clearing drainage channel of water passage

Cut on the head without bleeding

Cutting a dog in half

Chines food

Carrying crystal vessels

Carrying glass vessels

Cleaning jerry can inside

Crow with broken wing

Calling and talking with my boss by phone

Chain length fence

Cow and giat eating seed in a farm

Chasing away a dinosaur

Clear rushing water

Car wheels stolen

Challenges ghost into a fight

Called by a different name

Carrying a heavy special large stone

Cowries meaning of dream

Crocodille biting hand

Ceo falling love with me

Charred and burned animals baby elephant and baby seal

Collecting of garri

Carrying a broom in my hands

Cat and fish

Clitoris being sucked

Cross on other face

Children from intruder

Close one murdered

Choking father

Color terracotta

Crumbeling house

Corn in ear

Camping trip

Coming down from slippery stairs

Cut palm kernel tree


Carried away by the water

Canned apricots dream

Collecting hair

Catherine james mwigune

Cutting logs

Crow biting hand

Crow biting fingers

Chicken farm

Clothes with leafs on them

Cat peeing in my hair

Coworker leaving job

Case number

Carrying the chalice, paten and ciborium to the altar during mass

Cut parcel

Collection of phone number

Catching of fish

Crumbling plaster

Crush asking me questions

Crush in dreams

Conversation with women

Collecting materials for sewing in the dream ,

Cross and circle in the center in the sky

Cross and circle in the center

Carabao on sea

Cursed painting

Cows white skin dried and hanged

Chocolate cka

Child in initiation school

Cow refused to enter the house

Cow turning into human

Cow turning into

Chery blossoms flower

Cleaning of childhood flooring

Cleaning chicken intenstile

Cap gifted

Condoms in born agains

Crawling to escape



Closing your eye while swinging

Convert religion

Chapati bnate dekhna

Combs dream

Child falling in gutter

Carabao,tied and roped

Car derms

Coins falling out of the sky

Communion bread in the dream

Cooking meat outside

Cooking beans and plantain

Cooking for a pastor in a dream

Cat eating chicken which was served for me


Calling out to god for help

Cooking casserole give by a man

Cleaning feet sand

Cifre și semne spirituale

Crocodile eating raw meat

Covered by landslide


Climbing rock wall

Controlling water with your hands in a dream meaning

Curly haired cat

Cop and k9

Chocolate strawberry

Clown fish

Clear water river

Covering up a murder girlfriend committed

Child support court dream


Caught a bird to save it.

Cock tied to my husbands clothes n he is planning to leave

Christmas tree doll in my dream

Crush kissing

Celebrity gift

Cut slippers in the dream meaning

Cot slippers in the dream meaning

Cleaning out snakes from my body

Cutting people on the neck

Cleaning out blood from my ear

Cat killing a bird

Cat in freezer

Cow biting

Children in dreams laughing at me when i am a child

Cooking f or feast for me

Cop car with no tires

Chicken hatching

Chasing six lions

Chloribe dream

Cat swimming

Child falling down stairs dying

Carrying a white bowl of fluid

Carrying a white bowl of fuid

Caravan turning round and spinning

City cleaning

Cult escape

Crying while worshipping god

Car new road

Children behaving badly

Crispy brown pancakes with golden ring

Clean house inside

Cooking soup with dry fush

Cassava bean dream

Casava mixed with beans

Chased from goat

Coconut seed

Cuddling man

Cousin dying

Child being eaten

Chanting lord shri ram

Chanting hanuman chalisa in scary dream

Chasing a witch

Cheating on my husband

Correction, blueink , meneye

Correction, blueink , men eye

Climbing wall in dream

Chameleon fighting with a cat

Crack in wall

Cinnamon milk with alcohol

Cursing by woman

Cheetah eating snake

Chickadee birds drinking water dream

Crow bitting finger and fly and die

Cooking bitter gourd in dream

Cow cut half but alive and swiming

Cow swiming with wound


Closing a door on evil

Community chest


Cleaning tha toilet bowl

Chewing sugar cane dream meaning

Contrary meaning

Choking on your fingernails

Come back to earth

Cheap alcohol

Completely mad loves me so much in dream

Cloth washed in the river taken away by flood

Canned food, dirt floor, broom

Cooking shoes

Cutting fish or filet of fish

Clnumbing white rocks

Collecting fruit from dust bin. what does it mean

Colorful big bird

Coughing up stomach

Couple about to kiss

Cruise ship capsize

Crippled hand

Conflict with my daughter


Cyclist run over by car and i call for help

Car license

Carrying empty jerricans means

Chocokale cake on the table

Child being bullied in school

Cotton mill

Cutting a toe nail

Chanted hair golor


Chasing your puppy

Cobra dead mother

Cut off

Caught sweating profusely

Choosing ex

Chased chainsaw

Cleaning cockroach infested clothes

Cleaning cockroaches from belongings

Cockroaches in belongings

Clothes floating in water

Child boils

Cage falling dream

Creaming of being in market and not coming out

Cars in the high way road

Calling daddy

Chicken eggs.


Changing clothes in a factory

Car accident with police

Cant find my deceasef husband in my dream

Children injured

Child falling from bridge and breaking arm and leg

Child falling and breaking arm and leg

Chasing in dream

Celebrity on a bus

Cult friends

Cat group dream teer number

Cat urine dream teer number

Cooking pot give by a man

Chased by a hellhound

Crying someone who died

Crossing river with a boyfriend

Car with full of mud inside

Cats devouring fish

Carrying my mother who was helpless in the farm and it was raining.

Carrying my mother in my home and it was raining

Calm water with the fishes in

Crying girl tied a thread on index finger


Cutting parts of body

Cobweb house

Crow killing pigeon

Crossing river boldly and successful

Calm clear water with money

Cow slaughtering

Cow slaughtered by girl

Crow eating pigeon

Celebs child disabled

Close mouth snake

Clamping my teeth closing mouth

Crazy unstoppable truck chasing me anywhere

Crazy tractor-trailer chasing me anywhere

Ceiling peeling

Camphor cream in a dream

Coffin and sheriff

Carrying a mountain dream meanings

Cat asking food

Cleaning a big fish

Camel chasing you

Catching yellow and black striped snake

Cow in a dream

Cow urinating on you

Cashew tree and leaves

Crossing a wide river

Cash bundles

Camel caravan

Chicken number

Cobras and cats

Corn dream meanings

Crab comming out of yours ears

Chocolate brown

Cain and abel dream

Constricting snake


Clay narrow trench

Church killers

Church with a boy

Crying for mom attention

Car falling off a cliff

Cousin change oil on a car

Cousin change oil

Child tourture

Cracking feet fungi


Car is shrinking

Cutting off my tongue


Cutting myself with straight razor

Chicken filled the fridge unknown to me l still bought another one

Career dreams

Cartoon zoologist

Cooking spaghetti and it disappeared

Closing store

Connect four

Color contacts

Cutting of hand and blood

Cutting yourself on the hand with a glass

Classroom with girl and she looked good

Ceiling leaking dead love one running water

Cedar christmas tree

Chiuaaua dog

Cleaning slime


Camping down river

Chewing green leaves

Chewing green leaves and spitting out

Climbing a snow mountain with friend

Cutting plantain leaf in the dreams

Cult dreams

Child being bullied and taking up for him

Car, ex boyfriend

Congratulating someone

Chasing chicks and hen away in a dream

Catching of bird

Catching water birds

Camphor bowl

Catching frog in a dream

Chandelier in the dream

Changing rod in the dream

Chicken foot rotting

Chicken foot in birds mouth dream

Chicken foot in bird mouth

Chased by a white male

Chase by a male

Cat wet

Cleaning pan

Cleaning a pan

Cleaning someone feet

Calling my mother on the phone

Calling my mother

Calling my mother who pass on

Call my mother


Cova dream

Crush at my church

Cycling steep slope

Caucasian man

Counting money in front of a woman

Caucasian man with a knife

Cooking yam porridge in dream meaning

Carried down stairs

Cleaning and bathing a children dream

Cleaning a children poop

Cat beneath triangle

Cat sleeping beneath a triangle of pearls

Child molested

Cow in water

Coloured fennel

Coine money

Catching aku in a dream

Cheating with an ex from years ago

Child waking me up from sleep

Carrying a dessert plate

Cabas fish nambar


Covering poop with soil

Chicken runway

Cleaning a shower

Carring grenades/bombs

Carring a machine gun and wearing army helmet

Carring a machine gun and wearing arr

Coffee cup cabinet falling

Claw machines and arcades

Child fall in manhole

Chain snatching dream in isalm

Can not take picture of sunset in a dream

Controlling mother dreamas

Controlling people

Cream hair in dream meaning

Cutting stengeng nettle

Cupboard full of cups falling

Chasing my husband who has a mistress and kids in dreams

Colored wolrd map in sky

Corn be remove by river flow to another location

Candy bars

Chasing my mum around my town

Caching white ant

Car dream interpretation

Catfish inside my mouth

Cross dressing at school

Chased ghost and


Climbing vine

Cats in cages

Chased and bit by monitor lizard

Carrying your mothers bags

Checkered floor

Cutting a snake in half

Cow in a house

Crows with golden feathers

Clothed in swimming pool


Convertible red voldkwagen


Church congregation


Corona test

Childbirth breech

Cork in a bottle

Colour emerald

Cat on the counter

Clouds in the shape f eyes

Clothes red and white

Call from father

Chasing a goat

Corvette love symbles

Chesed away

Copper leaking

Chewing kernels in the dream

Chewing sweet kernel in the dream

Chewing kernel in the dream

Cherry pastry

Crocodile eating my son

Cricket holding finger

Crush making out

Cigarettes burning in street

Changing genders

Cutting thumb

Child swallows penny

Cat having seizire

Cogs and water

Christiano ronaldo

Casket dream

Chipmunk bite

Cooking pap in a pot and removing cockroaches

Cats followed

Cats going crazy

Cleaning fishes in your dream

Cow killing an elephant means

Cow killing the elephant means

Cleaning a clogged bath tub

Clogged tub

Couple snakes in home

Couple sankesh in home

Celebrations in kabba

Carry of money in my dream

Cooking in a big pot

Cooking for many people

Changing eyes colour in white

Coughing up gold necklaces

Crocodile eats a baby

Ceiling feel down

Cleaning kitchen washing pots and pans they are rusty and break

Cut the bread

Cutting numerous fingers off in a drea

Cliff being painted peach

Colours dream interpretation

Can find my exam paper

Crying sajdah


Collecting money in the church

Collecting money for offering

Coughing up dead spider

Covered by thorns

Creamy white colour

Change the bed sheets

Cat, large frog

Cocoyam leave

Changing bed linens

Coining with salt water in dream meaning

Cooked crabs

Car stolen and recovered in dream meaning

Camels each other

Canels attacking each other

Coin womb

Cat urinated in bed

Chicken gizzards meaning

Carrying firewood on my head falling and getting up while feeling pain in my knees but i suddenly moved on

Cards selling

Covering ear in dream

Covering ur ear in dreaming and running in one direction

Custered apple in dream of white colour

Car with no wheels


Crack the image of pedro calungsod

Child biting big toe

Cats and paythone snake

Crush purposing to me

Cat,dog and hen holding in a plate

Cow tree

Cutting arm skin

Commanding unclean spirits to come out of me and go away

Colourful gopura in dream

Crow biting my wrist

Child dreams of the devil

Chased by an octopus

Celestial bodies

Cut babys head

Cat with blue eyes

Cat attack a chicken


Coconut fall down from tree

Candle of love

Cutting rings from the gingers

Child bitten by a snake

Chopsticks fallen down on the floor

Cooking but someone ruined it

Clothes eaten by a mouse

Chasing a white mouse

Chair taken away seen in a dream

Cashew picked and eating it

Card playing

Cute old man

Crowd cheering for my friend

Clearing of bush

Chunks of cheese

Cat jumping out a window

Clothing being flushed down the toilet

Cut off eyelid

Cockroach dream

Cave build with black rocks

Car honk

Cow print

Cat losing paw

Cow tongue

Check for $one zero zero zero zero zero zero

Cooked baby snake

Camped in wilderness

Chaos work


Closed doors of a house

Car skidding off building

Car crashing to the ground

Childbirth empty womb

Cutting a raw chicken in dream

Crows feet

Cooking that split

Cut off waist

Child driving car

Crocodile eats daddy

Catching big tuna fish dream

Cigarette bein put out on my leg

Cracked fish tank

Clock going counter clockwise

Cat killing mouse

Chase and being kiss by a mad man

Committing maggots

Carrying yam on my head

Cuss word

Children flying

Chanting sri ram jay ram

Calling someone a


Cows with no feet

Climbing a rocky mount path

Cassava tuber

Calling in late to work

Church dresses

Classroom without roof

Cutting of beard and given as a gift

Covered in cow dung

Chasing someone to a club to repair my phone

Cameo dream meaning

Cavity falls out