Wadding Dream Interpretation
See Also: Packing
1- In dreams our need for security can become more noticeable than we allow it to be in ordinary, every- day life. Because wadding is normally a protective material, we mav need to bccomc aware that we should take action to protect ourselves rather than defend ourselves.
2- Sometimes bodily changes can be reflected in the images that we produce in dreams. Wadding can represent a fear of getting fat or becoming ungainly.
3- Wadding in spiritual and psychic terms suggests security.
It is an image which arises when we are looking for security.
[1]Wadding Dream Interpretation
Psychological / emotional perspective: Sometimes bodily changes can be reflected in the images that we produce in dreams. Wadding can represent a fear of getting fat or becoming ungainly.
[2]Wadding Dream Interpretation
To see or use quantities of Wadding in a dream is a sign that health troubles will cause you to become very thin. Your business, however, will prosper.
[3]Wadding Dream Interpretation
Wadding, in spiritual and psychic terms, suggests security.
It is an image that often arises when we are looking for protection.
[4]Wadding Dream Interpretation
Wadding, if seen in a dream, brings consolation to the sorrowing, and indifference to unfriendly criticism.