Snakes Dream Interpretation

Snakes Dream Interpretation: Analysis from 7 Unique Sources

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Today's Dream Interpretation


Dream Interpretation: The Symbolism of Snakes

For a woman to dream that a dead snake is biting her, foretells she will suffer from the malice of a pretended friend.

General Interpretation of Snake Dreams

To dream of snakes is often a foreboding of evil in its various forms and stages. Snakes in dreams represent challenges, enemies, and struggles that may arise in the dreamer’s life.

Specific Snake Dream Scenarios

  • Wriggling snakes: Foretell struggles with fortune and remorse.
  • Killing snakes: Suggests that you have used every opportunity to advance your own interests or respect those of others. You will enjoy victory over enemies.
  • Walking over snakes: You will live in constant fear of sickness, and selfish individuals will try to usurp your place in your companion’s life.
  • Being bitten by snakes: You will succumb to evil influences, and enemies will harm your business.

Symbolism of Common Snake Dreams

If you dream of a common spotted snake approaching you from green herbs, and you quickly step aside, only for it to return and grow larger, this symbolizes increasing sickness, uneasiness, and unkindness. These troubles may feel overwhelming, but with calmness, willpower, and by setting aside imaginary fears, you will find contentment and be repaid for your efforts.

Fear and Powerlessness

To dream that a snake coils itself around you and darts its tongue out at you is a sign that you will be powerless in the hands of enemies, and illness may follow.

Strategies and Overcoming Opposition

Handling snakes in a dream indicates that you will use strategy to aid in overthrowing opposition. If you see hairs turning into snakes, it foretells that insignificant incidents will lead to distressing cares.

Unnatural Shapes and Troubles

If snakes turn into unnatural shapes, it signifies troubles that can be dispelled with indifference, calmness, and willpower.

Snakes in Unlikely Situations

  • Stepping on snakes while wading or bathing: Trouble will arise where pleasure was anticipated.
  • Snakes biting others: A friend may be injured and criticized by you.
  • Little snakes: Denotes that you will entertain people with friendly hospitality, only to be secretly defamed by them.

Children and Snakes

To see children playing with snakes signifies that you will be confused in distinguishing between your friends and enemies.

Betrayal and Intrigue

For a woman to dream that a child places a snake on the back of her head, and she hears its hisses, foretells that she will be persuaded to give up something valuable, only to later realize she was deceived and drawn into an intrigue.

Discovering Conspiracies

To see snakes raising their heads behind your friend’s path suggests that you will uncover a conspiracy against both you and your friend.

Control and Protection

  • Friend controlling snakes: Denotes that a powerful force will help protect you from evil influences.
  • Woman hypnotizing a snake: Foretells that your rights will be challenged, but you will be protected by law and influential friends.

See Also: Serpents, Reptiles.


Snakes Dream Interpretation

Snakes are one of the most powerful dream symbols known to humankind. They have been both revered and feared since time immemorial. They represent sexual power, resurrection, healing, initiation and knowledge.

• All snakes shed their skin signifying transformation and regeneration. Look at what you need to change and let go of in your life and what needs to be reborn.

• Is there a “snake in the grass” in your life? Are you feeling venomous? If you’re terrified of snakes in real life you may dream of them in response to this phobia.


Snakes Dream Interpretation

Symbolic of lying spirits and spirits of confusion, Isa. 59:4-5. Adders are symbolic of spiritual or physical enemies, Jer. 8:17. In Ps. 140:1-3 it says viper poison comes from a person’s mouth.

A flying snake is a false religious spirit, a deadly, difficult to kill problem, Isa. 14:29


Snakes Dream Interpretation

The snake through the ages has been considered a sexual symbol and so can be interpreted to mean a sexual urge in a dream, but it can also mean an enemy or an obsession.

See Also: Reptiles.


Snakes Dream Interpretation

This dream is a warning of treachery where you least expect it; some unfortunate turn of events that you have not anticipated. Your plans will be wrecked.


Snakes Dream Interpretation

You have sly and dangerous enemies who will injure your character and state of life.


Snakes Dream Interpretation

To dream you see snakes and serpents, shows that you will be imprisoned and encounter many dangers; if yon are in love, your sweetheart will be false. To dream you kill a snake, shows you will overcome difficulties and enemies, and be successful in love, trade or farming, but unsuccessful at sea.


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